Guide to Creating a Minimum Viable Website (MVW)

1. Introduction

A Minimum Viable Website (MVW) is a simple, effective website designed to get your online presence established quickly. The goal is to create a functional site that can be indexed by Google without getting bogged down in complex designs or features.

2. Web Design Principles

2.1 Design for Conversions

  • Consider your website as the central hub for your business and traffic
  • Focus on ranking on Google, getting traffic, and driving conversions

2.2 Design for Good User Experience

  • Ensure proper heading structure
  • Use black text on a white background for readability
  • Optimize images and page speed
  • Avoid bloated designs or unnecessary plugins

2.3 Design for Simplicity

  • Avoid flashy designs
  • Use pleasing fonts, colors, and layouts
  • Aim to keep visitors on the page longer

3. Design Elements

3.1 Fonts

  • Use standard fonts like Helvetica, Arial, Roboto, or Poppins
  • Use one font for headings and another for paragraph text
  • Implement proper font hierarchy (H1, H2, H3, H4)
  • Ensure headers are darker or bolder than regular text

3.2 Colors

  • Use complementary colors (opposite on the color wheel)
  • Limit to two main colors for your site
  • Use tools like to generate complementary color schemes

4. Core Pages of an MVW

4.1 Homepage

  • Center focus of your brand
  • Include:
  • Hero image
  • Call to action
  • Brief introduction
  • Featured content or categories

4.2 Blog Archive Page

  • Central hub for all blog posts
  • Keep it simple with or without a sidebar
  • Consider adding a call to action for email list or products

4.3 Blog Post Page

  • Individual blog post content
  • Minimize white space
  • Ensure featured images don’t distract from content
  • Include a clear heading structure and table of contents

4.4 About Me Page

  • Share your story and connect with your audience
  • Aim for 1,200 to 1,500 words
  • Include a call to action for social media profiles

5. Navigation

5.1 Menu

  • Start with the four core pages (Easy mode)
  • Add categories as you grow (Medium mode)
  • Eventually, create a customized header menu (Advanced mode)
  • Include important links (disclaimers, disclosures)
  • Add featured posts or an about me link
  • Consider including social media links

6. Key Takeaways

  • Don’t overcomplicate your initial design
  • Focus on writing good content and building authority
  • Start simple and add features as you grow
  • Prioritize getting indexed by Google and attracting traffic

Remember, the goal is to create a functional, simple website that can grow with your content and traffic. Don’t get caught up in perfecting the design initially – focus on creating valuable content and establishing your online presence.

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