WordPress Blogging Toolkit: The Essentials

Important Note

Never buy anything from WordPress.com. Use a hosting provider that offers free WordPress.org (open-source) installations.

What You Don’t Need

  1. Jetpack: Avoid this all-in-one plugin as it can cause CSS and JavaScript issues.
  2. Monster Insights: This analytics plugin is unnecessary and can slow down your site.

Essential Tools

1. WordPress Hosting

Recommended: WPX Hosting

  • Fast and reliable
  • Excellent customer service (30-second response time)
  • Pricing: $24.99/month for up to 5 websites
  • Includes:
  • Backups
  • Free technical support
  • Free site speed optimization

2. WordPress Themes

a) Kadence

  • Easy to use
  • Many free features
  • Starter templates available

b) Thrive Themes

  • Powerful all-in-one system
  • Includes landing pages, lead generation tools, and more

3. Page Builders

a) Kadence Blocks (for Kadence theme)

  • Design library with various elements
  • Customizable layouts

b) Thrive Architect (for Thrive Themes)

  • Drag-and-drop builder
  • Advanced customization options

4. Image Optimization

a) ShortPixel

  • WordPress plugin available
  • Free plan with limited images
  • Unlimited plan: $8/month

b) Compressor.io

  • Free online tool
  • Can be used in addition to ShortPixel for double compression

5. SEO Tools

a) Rank Math

  • Free WordPress plugin
  • Includes sitemap creation, keyword tracking, and schema markup

b) Yoast SEO

  • Similar features to Rank Math
  • Free version available

6. Caching

a) WP Rocket

  • Paid plugin ($49/year)
  • Improves loading time and page speed performance

b) W3 Total Cache

  • Free alternative to WP Rocket

7. Security


  • Free WordPress security plugin
  • Provides login security, firewall, and malware scans

Thirsty Affiliates

  • Free version available
  • Cloaks affiliate links for better appearance and click-through rates

9. Document Converter

Mammoth .docx Converter

  • Imports various document formats into WordPress
  • Useful for content created in Google Docs or Microsoft Word

10. Analytics

Google Site Kit

  • Official WordPress plugin by Google
  • Easily set up Google Analytics and Search Console
  • Provides a dashboard within WordPress


  • Free plugin for GDPR compliance
  • Adds a customizable cookie consent banner to your site

Best Practices

  1. Keep your site lean by avoiding unnecessary plugins.
  2. Prevent conflicts by not using multiple plugins for the same function (e.g., two caching plugins).
  3. Regularly update your plugins and themes for optimal performance and security.

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